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· 6 min read
Jeffrey Aven

DBT (or Data Build Tool) is a modern data transformation tool born in the cloud/DevOps era. It's a great project which much has been written about; I will try to give as brief an overview as possible.

ETL vs ELT Refresher

A quick refresher on ELT vs ETL before we discuss DBT. I have created an infographic for this...



DBT is an open-source command line tool written in Python from DBT Labs (formerly Fishtown Analytics).

DBT is designed to manage data transformations while applying software engineering best practices (including version control, automated testing, reviews, approvals, etc). Its modern software engineering and cloud-first design goals separate it from its old-school ETL/ELT predecessors.

DBT is an ELT tool focusing on the T(ransform) only, the E(xtract) and L(oad) are up to you (there are plenty of tools that specialize in this).

At its core DBT is a templating engine using Jinja (Python templating engine); it generates templates that represent SQL commands to create, replace or update objects in your database (the “T” in ELT), then oversees the execution of the templated commands. The work is "pushed down" to the underlying database containing the source and target objects and data.


The concept most integral to DBT is the Model. A Model is simply a representation of a transform (or set of transforms) to a dataset, resulting in a target object (which could be a table or tables in a datamart). A model is expressed as a SELECT statement stored in a .sql file in your dbt project (well get to that in a minute).

Suppose we want to create a denormalized fact table for commits to store in a datamart in BigQuery. This is what a model file might look like (using the BigQuery SQL dialect and referencing objects that should exist and be accessible at runtime when we execute the model).

{{ config(materialized='table') }}

with commits as (
SUBSTR(commit, 0, 13) as commit_short_sha, as commiter_name, as commit_date,
FROM `bigquery-public-data.github_repos.sample_commits` c

select * from commits

Models are created as views by default, but you can materialize these as tables where needed.

You configure connectivity to the target database using adapters (software libraries provided by dbt in the case of most mainstream databases) and profiles (which contain details around authentication, databases/datasets, schemas etc).

DBT Project

A DBT project is simply a folder containing your models and some other configuration data. You can initialize this by running dbt init from your desired project directory. In its most basic form, the structure looks like this:

├─ your_model.sql
├─ schema.yml

Your models can be created under subfolders for organization. schema.yml is an optional file that contains tests for columns, can also include descriptions for documentation. The dbt_project.yml file is the main entry point for the dbt program, it contains the configuration for the project, including which profile to use. Profiles (stored in a file called profiles.yml store all of the necessary connectivity information for your target database platform. By default dbt init creates this file a .dbt folder under your home directory.


You could store this with your project (be careful not to commit secrets like database credentials to source control). If you store it in any other directory than the default, you will need to tell dbt where it can find this file using the --profiles-dir argument of any dbt command, see here for more information.

To confirm your project is ship shape, run dbt parse; if there are no errors, you are good to proceed running and testing your models.

Running DBT Models

To run your models, simply run the following command from the directory containing your dbt_project.yml file (typically the root of your project folder):

Model deployed! Let's test it:

This will run all of the tests associated with your model(s) - in this case, not null and unique tests defined in the schema.yml file. That's it, deployed and tested.

Other Stuff

There is some other stuff in DBT you should be aware of, like seeds, snapshots, analyses, macros, and more but our five minutes is up 😃. We can discuss these next time; you are up and running with the basics of DBT now, get transforming!

if you have enjoyed this post, please consider buying me a coffee ☕ to help me keep writing!

· 7 min read
Jeffrey Aven

Loading Parquet format files into BigQuery is straightforward, you just need to specify the file location (local, Google Cloud Storage, Drive, Amazon S3 or Azure Blob storage) and thats pretty much it, BigQuery works the rest out from there.

bq load \
--location=australia-southeast2 \
--project_id=parquet-demo \
--source_format=PARQUET \
parquet_test.dim_calendar \

In Snowflake, however, it is not as simple, I'll share my approach to automating this here.


Parquet is a self-describing, column-oriented storage format commonly used in distributed systems for input and output. Data in Parquet files is serialised for optimised consumption from Parquet client libraries and packages such as pandas, pyarrow, fastparquet, dask, and pyspark.


Data in a Parquet file is stored in a single column for a self-contained dataset. If you were to ingest this into Snowflake without knowing the schema you could do something like this...

Data variant

) FROM (
file_format = (TYPE = parquet);

You would end up with something like...

1{"CalMonthOfYearNo": 6, "CalYear": 2020, ... }
2{"CalMonthOfYearNo": 6, "CalYear": 2020, ... }

You could then have a second stage of processing to convert this into a normal relational structure.

Or you could do this in one step, with a little prep work ahead of time. In my scenario I was given several parquet files from a client for a one-off load into Snowflake, several files for a fact table and multiple single files representing different dimension tables.

Streamlined Ingestion for Parquet Files into Snowflake

To collapse the formatting and uploading of Parquet files into a materialized table into one step, we need to do a couple of things:

  1. Create the target table with the correct schema (column names and data types); and
  2. perform a projection in our COPY command from the single column containing all of the data (represented by $1 in Snowflake) into columns defined in step 1

Since this is technically a transformation and only named stages are supported for COPY transformations, we need to create a stage for the copy. In my case there is a pre-existing Storage Integration in place that can be used by the stage.

Generate Table DDL

To automate the generation of the DDL to create the table and stage and the COPY command, I used Python and Spark (which has first class support for Parquet files). Parquet datatypes are largely the same as Snowflake, but if we needed to, we could create a map and modify the target types during the DDL generation.

First copy specimen Parquet formatted files to a local directory, the script we are creating can then iterate through the parquet files and generate all of the commands we will need saved to a .sql file.

With some setup information provided (not shown for brevity), we will first go through each file in the directory, capture metadata along with the schema (column name and data type) as shown here:

for file in files:
tableMap = {}
table = file.stem
spark = launch_spark_session()
parquetFile ="%s/%s" %(BASE_DIR, file))
data_types = parquetFile.dtypes
tableMap['name'] = table
tableMap['file'] = file
tableMap['data_types'] = data_types

The allTables list looks something like this...

[{'name': 'Calendar', 'file': PosixPath('data/dim/Calendar.gzip'), 'data_types': [('Time_ID', 'bigint'), ('CalYear', 'bigint'), ('CalMonthOfYearNo', 'bigint'), ('FinYear', 'bigint'), ('FinWeekOfYearNo', 'bigint')]}, ... ]

Next we generate the CREATE TABLE statement using the allTables list:

# create output file for all sql
with open('all_tables.sql', 'w') as f:
for table in allTables:
print("processing %s..." % table['name'])
f.write("/*** Create %s Table***/" % table['name'].upper())
sql = """
""" % (database, schema, table['name'].upper())
for column in table['data_types']:
sql += " %s %s,\n" % (column[0], column[1])
sql = sql[:-2] + "\n);"

Generate Named Stage DDL

Then we generate the stage in S3 from which the files will be loaded:

        f.write("/*** Create %s Stage***/" % table['name'].upper())
sql = """
storage_integration = %s
encryption=(type='AWS_SSE_KMS' kms_key_id = '%s');
""" % (database, schema, table['name'].upper(), s3_prefix, table['file'], storage_int, kms_key_id)

Generate COPY commands

Then we generate the COPY commands...

        f.write("/*** Copying Data into %s ***/" % table['name'].upper())
sql = """
COPY INTO %s.%s.%s
(\n""" % (database, schema, table['name'].upper())
for column in table['data_types']:
sql += " %s,\n" % column[0]
sql = sql[:-2] + "\n)"
sql += " FROM (\nSELECT\n"
for column in table['data_types']:
sql += " $1:%s::%s,\n" % (column[0], column[1])
sql = sql[:-2] + "\nFROM\n"
sql += "@%s.%s.%s_STAGE)\n" % (database, schema, table['name'].upper())
sql += " file_format = (TYPE = parquet);"

Since this is a one off load, we will go ahead and drop the stage we created as it is no longer needed (this step is optional)..

        f.write("/*** Dropping stage for %s ***/" % table['name'].upper())
sql = """
""" % (database, schema, table['name'].upper())

The resultant file created looks like this..

/*** Create CALENDAR Table***/
Time_ID bigint,
CalYear bigint,
CalMonthOfYearNo bigint,
FinYear bigint,
FinWeekOfYearNo bigint

/*** Create DIM_CALENDAR Stage***/
storage_integration = my_storage_int
encryption=(type='AWS_SSE_KMS' kms_key_id = '4f715ec9-ee8e-44ab-b35d-8daf36c05f19');

/*** Copying Data into DIM_CALENDAR ***/
) FROM (
file_format = (TYPE = parquet);

/*** Dropping stage for DIM_CALENDAR ***/

Load your data

You can then run this along with all of the other dimension and fact table DDL and COPY commands generated to perform the one-off load from parquet files. You can find the complete code below, enjoy!

Complete Code
from pathlib import Path
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
def launch_spark_session():
return SparkSession \
.builder \
.appName("Parquet DDL Generation") \

def stop_spark_session(spark):

allTables = []
database = "PARQUET_TEST"
schema = "PUBLIC"
s3_prefix = 's3://my-bucket'
storage_int = 'my_storage_int'
kms_key_id = '4f715ec9-ee8e-44ab-b35d-8daf36c05f19'

BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
directory = 'data/dim'
files = Path(directory).glob('*.gzip')
for file in files:
tableMap = {}
table = file.stem
spark = launch_spark_session()
parquetFile ="%s/%s" %(BASE_DIR, file))
data_types = parquetFile.dtypes
tableMap['name'] = table
tableMap['file'] = file
tableMap['data_types'] = data_types

# create output file for all sql
with open('all_tables.sql', 'w') as f:
for table in allTables:
print("processing %s..." % table['name'])
f.write("/*** Create %s Table***/" % table['name'].upper())
sql = """
""" % (database, schema, table['name'].upper())
for column in table['data_types']:
sql += " %s %s,\n" % (column[0], column[1])
sql = sql[:-2] + "\n);"

f.write("/*** Create %s Stage***/" % table['name'].upper())
sql = """
storage_integration = %s
encryption=(type='AWS_SSE_KMS' kms_key_id = '%s');
""" % (database, schema, table['name'].upper(), s3_prefix, table['file'], storage_int, kms_key_id)

f.write("/*** Copying Data into %s ***/" % table['name'].upper())
sql = """
COPY INTO %s.%s.%s
(\n""" % (database, schema, table['name'].upper())
for column in table['data_types']:
sql += " %s,\n" % column[0]
sql = sql[:-2] + "\n)"
sql += " FROM (\nSELECT\n"
for column in table['data_types']:
sql += " $1:%s::%s,\n" % (column[0], column[1])
sql = sql[:-2] + "\nFROM\n"
sql += "@%s.%s.%s_STAGE)\n" % (database, schema, table['name'].upper())
sql += " file_format = (TYPE = parquet);"

f.write("/*** Dropping stage for %s ***/" % table['name'].upper())
sql = """
""" % (database, schema, table['name'].upper())

if you have enjoyed this post, please consider buying me a coffee ☕ to help me keep writing!

· 3 min read
Yuncheng Yang

It is common to have a remote and dispersed team these days. As face to face meetings are less common and with geographically dispersed development teams not possible, it is challenging to have a clear picture of where your team is.

GitHub provides useful data to help us understand your development team's workload and progress. StackQL has an official GitHub provider which allows you to access this data using SQL.


StackQL is an open source project which enables you to query, analyze and interact with cloud and SaaS provider resources using SQL, see

In this example we will use the pystackql Python package (Python wrapper for StackQL) along with a Jupyter Notebook to retrieve data from GitHub using SQL, then sink the data into a cloud native data warehouse for long term storage and analytics at scale, in this example we have used BigQuery.

Step by Step Guide

This guide will walk you through the steps involved in capturing and analyzing developer data using StackQL, Python, Jupyter and BigQuery.

1. Create GitHub Personal Access Token

You will need to create a Personal Access Token in GitHub for a user which has access to the org or orgs in GitHub you will be analyzing. Follow this guide to create your GitHub token and store it somewhere safe.

2. Setup your Jupyter Notebook

You need to set up your Jupyter environment, you can either use the Docker, see stackql/stackql-jupyter-demo or:

  1. Create your Jupyter project
  2. Download and install StackQL
  3. Clone the pystackql repo

3. Setup StackQL Authentication to GitHub

You can find instructions on how to use your personal access token to authenticate to GitHub here. The following example shows how to do this in a Jupyter notebook cell using pystackql.

4. Retrieve data

Next, we will use StackQL SQL queries to get commits, pull requests and pull request reviews, then we will aggregate by usernames of contributors. You can use JOIN semantics in StackQL to do this as well.

Get Contributors, Commits, Pull Requests and Reviews

In the following cell we will query data from GitHub using StackQL:

Aggregate Data By Username

Now we will aggregate the data by each contributor, see the following example:

5. Store the Data in BigQuery

After the transformation of data, we will then upload it to BigQuery. First, we will store the data as a new line delimited json file, making the uploading process much easier and handling the nested schema better, as shown in the following cell:

Now we can see the table on BigQuery as shown here:

BigQuery User Activity Table

From here you can use the same process to append data to the table and use BigQuery to perform analytics at scale on the data.


The complete notebook for this article can be accessed at FabioYyc/stackql-github-notebook-bq

· 2 min read
Jeffrey Aven

This article walks through the process of converting service specific OpenAPI specifications from Google Discovery REST URLs using Python.

Full code for this article can be found at stackql/google-discovery-to-openapi

Google publishes JSON specifications for all of their APIs (including GCP services as well as other APIs associated with other products - like analytics or workspace). These specifications can be accessed without authentication starting with the root document ( which contains metadata and the URL for each service specific document (for services like compute or storage).

Code Overview

The program fetches the service document for each service that is included and not explicitly excluded (configured through variables in the program). Non preferred services (beta or alpha versions) can be included by setting the variable get_preferred_only to False.

An OpenAPI spec is constructed for each service based upon the data in the service discovery doc. In many cases this is a straightforward one to one mapping, such as to top level info, title and description values, it gets more complicated with parameters and schemas where some extra logic is required to keep the json pointers ($ref) valid.

Extracting Paths and Verbs

The real magic is in extracting paths and verbs in a compliant OpenAPI format, as Google nests this data (potentially multiple levels deep) under resources.

The first step is to identify methods nested under a resources object (which can be mapped to operations - with a path and HTTP verb required to populate an OpenAPI spec), this function does this:

Now each method can be processed yielding an operation (combination of path and verb), this is done using this function:

Full source code can be found at stackql/google-discovery-to-openapi.

if you have enjoyed this post, please consider buying me a coffee ☕ to help me keep writing!

· 2 min read
Jeffrey Aven

I had a scenario where I needed to find values for a key in a complex JavaScript object which could be nested n levels deep.

I found numerous approaches to doing this, most were overly complicated, so I thought I would share the most straightforward, concise process.

the Code

You can do this in a straightforward function implementing the "tail call recursion" pattern to search for a key (key) from the root of an object (obj), excluding any keys in excludeKeys.

This will return a list of values for the given key, searching all levels in all branches of the object.

function getAllValuesForKey(obj, key, excludeKeys=[], values=[]) {
for (let k in obj) {
if (typeof obj[k] === "object") {
getAllValuesForKey(obj[k], key, excludeKeys, values)
} else {
if (k === key){
return values;


In parsing an OpenAPI or Swagger specification, I am looking for all of the schema refs in a successful response body, for example:

'200': '...'

however these refs can present in various different ways depending upon the response type, such as:

$ref: '#/components/responses/actions_runner_labels'


$ref: '#/components/schemas/runner'


- $ref: '#/components/schemas/interaction-limit-response'


type: object
- total_count
- runners
type: integer
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/runner'

To find all of the schema refs without knowing the response type or structure I used the above function as follows (excluding refs for examples):

function getRespSchemaName(op){
for(let respCode in op.responses){
return getAllValuesForKey(op.responses[respCode], "$ref", ['examples']);

You can find this implementation in openapi-doc-util and @stackql/openapi-doc-util.


if you have enjoyed this post, please consider buying me a coffee ☕ to help me keep writing!