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2 posts tagged with "identity"

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· 4 min read
Jeffrey Aven

This article describes a simple SSO pattern for authenticating and authorizing users from an external AD and to your application without requiring federation.

the Challenge

You need to authenticate external users to use your application, these users belong to an organization using Azure Active Directory with specific login policies (such as password strength and expiry, multi factor authentication, etc). Your requirements (if you choose to accept them) are:

  1. You are required to provide SSO to these users using their home AD tenant and policies
  2. The solution does not include SAML based federation between directories (yours and theirs)
  3. The solution does not require any changes on the external AD tenant (no new AAD applications, client secrets, etc)

the Solution

Using an IDAM/IDaaS platform (such as Okta in this case), along with an AAD application (in your AD tenant in your Azure subscription), you can create a local AD app using this magic property to accomplish all of the above requirements (requiring zero changes on the third-party AD).

Azure AD App Registration

This is what it looks like using the az cli:

the --available-to-other-tenants property is Microsoft's way of allowing you to implicitly trust other AAD/Office 365 tenants, meaning the authentication request is passed to the target AD tenant from your application.

Here is a context diagram which explains the interactions in the context of a Jamstack application (using a library such as Auth.js).

Okta AD SSO Context Diagram

Setup and Configuration

The following flowchart explains the steps involved in setting this up. The highlighted nodes are part of normal application lifecycle operations as users get created and deactivated.

Okta AD SSO Setup Flowchart

Authorisation flow

The authorization flow for a public client (SPA) using PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) is shown here:

Okta AD SSO Authorization Flow

Next up

Code! Stay tuned...

if you have enjoyed this post, please consider buying me a coffee ☕ to help me keep writing!

· 2 min read
Jeffrey Aven

Okta Admin CLI

Identity and Access Management is a critical component of any application or SaaS architecture. I’m currently doing a spike of the Okta solution for an application development project I am on. Okta is a comprehensive solution built on the open OAuth2 and OIDC protocols, as well as supporting more conventional identity federation approaches such as SAML.

Okta has a clean and easy to use web-based Admin interface which can be used to create applications, users, claims, identity providers and more.

During my spike, which was done in a crash and burn test Okta organisation, I had associated my user account with a Microsoft Identity Provider for SSO, and subsequently had issues accessing the Microsoft Account my user was associated with, as a result I managed to lock myself (the super admin) out of the Okta Admin Console.

Fortunately, prior to doing this I had created an API token for my user. So, I went about looking at ways I could interact with Okta programmatically. My first inclination was to use a simple CLI for Okta to get me out of jail… but I found there wasn’t one that suited. There are, however, a wealth of SDKs for Okta across multiple front-end and back-end oriented programming languages (such as JavaScript, Golang, Python and more).

Being in lockdown and having some free time on my hands, I decided to create a simple open source command line tool which could be used to administer an Okta organisation. The result of this weekend lockdown is okta-admin

okta-admin cli

For this project I used the Golang SDK for Okta, along with the Cobra and Viper Golang packages (used by docker, kubectl and other popular command line utilities). To provide a query interface to JSON response payloads I use GJson.

Will keep adding to this so stay tuned...

Complete source code for this project is available at

if you have enjoyed this post, please consider buying me a coffee ☕ to help me keep writing!